Meet Murphy, a seven-month-old golden retriever affectionately nicknamed “the world’s happiest dog” due to his unwaveringly happy nature. Despite recently suffering a fractured toe, Murphy maintained his joyful demeanour.

Murphy’s initial treatment plan, following x-ray confirmation of the fractured toe, was four weeks in a fiberglass cast and strict rest to ensure proper healing. However, due to Murphy’s lively puppy behaviour, the cast had to be removed early as a pressure sore developed underneath. An alternative stabilisation approach was required, leading to the application of a soft, padded but supportive bandage called a “Robert Jones” bandage. This allowed the pressure sores to heal.

Throughout Murphy’s recovery journey, his owners demonstrated patience, dedication, and commitment by ensuring frequent visits to the clinic for bandage changes and persevering with restricted exercise and confinement, which can be challenging for any adolescent dog.

We are delighted that Murphy’s follow-up radiograph results showed that his toe has healed, and he can now return to being a normal “teenage” pup.