
at Aberfoyle Hub Veterinary Clinic

Because they're family...



Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: 8am-12pm
Sun: Closed


Microchipping is done by injecting a small (rice grain sized) chip under your pet’s skin, between their shoulder blades. This can be done during consultation while the animal is conscious although some owners prefer to microchip their animals while they are under general anaesthetic (desexing is the perfect opportunity for this). If done under general anaesthetic we tattoo the inside of animal’s ear with a green ‘M’ shaped tattoo, this indicates to any one who comes across the animal that they have a microchip present.

Microchips are scanned at every health check to identify the animal and ensure our records are up to date. They are also scanned by animal welfare organisations and by the council if your pet goes missing and is found.

Microchips are recognised Australia wide!

We encourage all owners to microchip their pets to make it easier to identify owners if the animal is ever lost, stolen or under other circumstances. The cost of microchipping is minimal compared to the cost of losing your pet.

Owners also receive a discount on annual council dog registration if their dog is microchipped. We are happy to supply you with a council certificate after microchipping your dog, so you are able to receive your discount through the council.

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Aberfoyle Hub Veterinary Clinic

Because they're family...

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(08) 8270 5155



Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: 8am-12pm
Sun: Closed


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